Tuesday, 30 October 2012

My Trip To Goldsmiths` Fair 2012

Goldsmiths` Fair is widely hailed as the premier show for independent designer/makers, showcasing the creme de la creme of both established and up and coming talent. So I was delighted to announce at the beginning of the year that my application to get into the Fair was successful! It came as a particular wanted boost as this year marked the final year that I was eligible to apply for a Graduate Stand - which means getting a free stand and £1500 bullion bursary. Not only that, but it was also the 30th anniversary year. So naturally these past 6 months leading up to the fair were certainly full of hard work and pressure to make sure I could bring my very best collection of work down. I`m glad to say that it was all more than worth it and a super time was had.
Goldsmiths` Fair
 It was lovely meeting all the other exhibitors -
 it`s a great mix of makers at different stages of their careers. The well established makers who have done the show many times are very supportive of new makers to the show like myself and were full of plenty handy hints and invaluable advice. Having moved away from cold enamel resins in my work to hot vitreous enameling, it was really helpful to have my stand next to an experienced and lovely enameler Tamara De Vries Winter. It was very enjoyable seeing the work in the flesh as well as meeting and chatting to the other makers I have long admired - Fred Rich, Marianne Anderson, Ruth Tomlinson to name but a few.

Snap Shot of My Stand
 With living so remotely in the north west Highlands of Scotland it`s great to get the chance to do a show that`s so worthwhile. It was nice getting the sleeper train down  from Inverness and back up with fellow Highalnder, mentor and former tutor ... the very talented Eileen Gatt who was also exhibiting at the Fair - for her this was her for 10th time. Eileen`s kind words of wisdom were very helpful indeed.

It seems no matter how many times people have done the show, many are making to the very last minute. I can certainly vouch for this as the 12 hour train journey down (which I can never get any sleep on anyway) was spent wet and drying and polishing. I`m sure the other passengers were delighted about this!! It was a mad pack up of all my bits and polishing debris when I realized we`d arrived in Euston and now it was to negotiate my 2 big brutes of suitcases across London to the hall.

Train Journey Finishing
 Items Which Sold Well From Far Left: Cluster Flower Ring, Lacy Onyx & Yellow Enamel Earrings, Flower Garland Necklace

I`m sure what you`re wanting to know if the experience translated into good solid, hard sales? Well I can honestly say that out of all the shows that I`ve done previously, nothing has come even close to this one - so I`ll leave the rest to your imagination.  I also secured a very exciting commission that I shall be revealing more about in the coming weeks which I`ll be working very hard on in the new year. Until the (hopeful) xmas rush comes in, I`m just finishing off orders that were placed at the Fair and getting everything updated.

Snap Shot of Stand
 So overall, It has just been a smashing experience! Not only with sales, but it`s the contacts you make too and of course it `s an honour to exhibit at such a high quality show, in the amazingly  plush and decadent surroundings of Goldsmiths` Hall. This was my FIFTH attempt at applying to get in and i can truly say that I`m glad it was this time and not before as I don`t think I would have been ready for it in order to really capitalise from the experience.


Friday, 19 October 2012

Welcome To My New Blog

The day has finally come - I`ve actually got round to doing a blog. This has been my intention for years - So welcome everyone. I have lots of exciting news that I look forward to sharing with you over the coming weeks and months. So stay watching y`all..